What to Include in Your Bird's First Aid Kit
It's an emergency! Having a first aid kit on hand for your bird is beneficial, especially in an emergency. If you are confronted with a situation that requires immediate action, you will need some first aid supplies nearby. Here are some ideas of what to include in your first aid kit:
- Bandages (gauze and pads)
- Pedialyte (used for rehydration)
- Tweezers
- Scissors
- Hemostats (or pliers)
- Rubber gloves
- A cauterizing agent (Kwik-Stop)
- Heating pad / hot water bottle (never apply directly to bird)
- Towel (used for restraint)
- Bottled water
- Pet carrier or travel cage
- Antibiotic ointment
- Cotton balls and swabs
- Nail clipper
- Small flashlight or penlight
- Wire cutters
- Eye wash and antibiotic ophthalmic ointment
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