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Love Your Bird: Precious Pogo the African Grey

Pogo (African Grey) was adopted at eight months old. She had a badly deformed leg, was self-mutilating, plucking her feathers, had pulled out all of her tail feathers, and had no idea of how to play with toys. As I began working with her, she immediately started exhibiting a level of trust in me that has never waivered, and I uncovered the most precious personality in this little one.

Pogo is feisty, loves to snuggle, and initiate games. She literally changed my life, and in all honestly, we probably saved each other! Pogo is now 22 years old, and two years ago she miraculously stopped plucking her feathers, has allowed her tail feathers to come in and remain, and is now chewing normal parrot toys. She is a constant precious companion, and my life would never have been the same without her!

- Candace in Texas

Have Your Own "Love Your Bird" Story? We Want to Hear It!

If you have a funny or sweet story about your bird (and let's be honest, what parront doesn't) share it with us!

The winning submissions will be featured in our catalog, on our website and on social media.

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Who knows... maybe the next bird we feature will be yours!

Don't Miss These Other Feathertastic Birds!

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Meko the Comforting Cockatiel
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